Sunday, November 28, 2010

By-Products of a Hate-Filled Mind

Ok last night I dreamed about a murderer, he was not your typical serial killer he was fond of leaving voice-mails on his victims phone with some sort of weird distortion explaining why he had killed the person and where a clever detective might be able to find the body. This guy was obsessed with anime and did most of his murders in seedy motels with alot of tentacle-dildos jammed into eye-sockets and real octopus and squid rammed into holes punched in chest cavities... at first... then the guy starts to do live versions of guro. The last scene of the dream was of the detectives bursting into the room and finding a teenage girl who had been flayed open, with hemostats holding the various flaps of skin apart being cruelly invaded by the severed arms of around 5 different men... and of course the rookie cop has to run back out into the hallway and throw up all over everything... and then of course I woke up... if anyone wants to make an anime of that one just let me know...there were alot more scenes...

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